7 ways on how dads can help during breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is a family and community affair. For the successful breastfeeding of a child, teamwork is key 👌. This is why today we bring you tips on how dads can offer support during breastfeeding. Here are ways you can help;

  • You can burp the baby after they are done breastfeeding.
  • Bringing the baby to the mother for breastfeeding.
  • In case mother is away and she left expressed breast milk, you can offer to warm the milk and give it to the baby.
  • You can offer back and neck massages; these help relax her body so she can breastfeed efficiently.
  • Offering fluids like a big glass of water during breastfeeding time.
  • Encouragement goes a long way especially when a mother doesn’t feel good about herself. “boosting her self confidence”.
  • Taking on the tasks she was doing before breastfeeding like washing dishes, cooking or running errands. This helps relieve her from any stress so she can focus on what is at hand-Breastfeeding

“Just remember for breastfeeding to be successful, everyone must take part and not just one person-the mother”
Nutritionist || Dietician Aunt Porridge.