What is a good latch or what does it look like?

Is your baby latching on well?

What is a good latch or how does it look like?

Latch refers to how a baby fastens onto the breast while breastfeeding. In simple terms latch is how your baby takes your nipple and areola “darker skin on the breast” into their mouth to suckle.

What are the benefits of a good latch vs bad latch?
A good latch promotes high milk flow and minimizes nipple discomfort for the mother while a bad latch does the opposite.
Now that you have understood what latching is and it’s importance.

Let’s go to next step of How to have a good latch.
Most people think that latching comes naturally. This is not true.
When you first begin to breastfeed, you may need help with getting your baby properly attached to avoid hurting your nipples.
Touch the baby’s lips or tip of the nose with your nipple. This gets the baby opening their mouth wide, then quick and gently bring the baby closer aiming the lower lip slightly below the nipple.
The baby’s tongue should be over the bottom gums.

If you feel pain don’t be afraid to remove the breast from your child’s mouth and begin the process again. “the baby might cry, it’s okay!!! you have got to do it right”

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