About Us
Raising Healthy Families Together Since 2015
Forna Health Foods Ltd is an interesting journey of a great salvation idea, coupled by partnership with Makerere University School of Food Science Technology and Nutrition, which ended up in the standardization, perfection and consequently, mass production of Aunt Porridge composite flour.
Our Vision
Becoming a household name as a leading source of dependable nutritious foods in the region.
Our Mission
Redefining porridge by maximizing its nutritional value and enhancing its taste without interfering in its natural profile and organic nature.
Why Aunt Porridge
Aunt Porridge is the only composite of 12 flours on the market. It is produced under Makerere University supervision, certified by UNBS

Composite flours
are not a new concept
in food nutrition
However, this particular product was born out of a desperate need to preserve the life of a terminally sick relative, who was wasting away.
Different flours were mixed to salvage the sick man’s immunity, appetite and energy. And it worked! Its success was replicated on another relative who had deteriorated after giving birth.
When the mixture was able to resuscitate both the mother and the baby, its popularity grew within the family until the idea for commercial use was floated.
In November, 2016, a company, Health Foods Ltd, was registered and the product, Aunt Porridge, was started. An application to Makerere University was accepted and Forna Health Foods Ltd got incorporated into the incubation project. This enabled mass a standardized formula, approval from Uganda National Bureau of Standards and a full-fledged operation.