Aunt porridge together with Biler food events invites you to All Nations Cultural Food Festival

Cultural Food Festival scheduled from 26th-28th August 2022 at Old Kampala SS. Gates open from 8am-10pm. Entrance fee is 5000shs.  Payment is made at the venue.

Aunt porridge will be fully represented and you will get a chance to purchase aunt porridge Ikg PP(Normal)and 1kg BB (6 months starter) packets at 10,000shs. All other aunt porridge products will be available for purchase.

You will also get a chance to interact one on one with the Aunt porridge professional team as regards to any nutritional issues,infant feeding, breastfeeding, immunity boosting and any other questions regarding aunt porridge products.

Come one, Come all.

Tell a friend to tell a friend. Don’t dare miss!

Discounted Products for the Festival