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Aunt Porridge Commemorates world AIDS day 2023.


Aunt porridge joined the rest of the world to commemorate the world AIDs Day the 1st  December 2023 at kamwokya christian caring community under the theme ‘Let communities lead’

At an event in Kamwokya through the company nutritionists, Aunt porridge offered free nutrition guidance to the HIV positives in this community. Also giving out at least 50 nutritious porridge packs to the above 50 positive living individuals that attended the session.

A number of the HIV+ appreciated the initiative carried out in addition to the free porridge that was received and purposely given to help them boost their immunity.

From their feedback, a number of the positive living face nutritional challenges for example having a balanced rich meal to compliment their ARVS and Aunt porridge can supplement this so well.

These were encouraged to eat rich meals such as AUNT PORRIDGE… Aunt porridge is the only composite of 12 flours on the market.

This particular product was born out of a desperate need to preserve the life of a terminally sick relative, who was wasting away.

nutritionist teaching on body building foods at kamwokya Christian caring community
Nutritionist, Carol Namazzi demostrates a healthy plate

A good diet helps to focus, concentrate and think better. It helps to strengthen muscles, improve skin, fight infections, build the immune system, and control body weight. A healthy eating plate contains, carbohydrates(wholegrain) ,plate of protein, plate of fruits and vegetable.

Team from aunt porridge and Christian caring community kamwokya pose for a photgraph. From left 2nd is the director KCCC.
aunt porridge


This year’s black Friday introduced a stronger relationship between us and the customers who were given extraordinary customer service during the 24th November 2023 shopping.

A Kilogram that was at 11,000Ughs was reduced to 10,000Ughs and a 2kilogram bucket from 23,000Ughs to 22,000Ughs.

According to a report from the sales team, this year’s experience from our main service Centre in wandegeya shows there is an indication that price-conscious consumers want to spend on the best deals and are hunting for those deals. November black Friday is always a to go plot.

Shoppers are price-sensitive managing their budgets, they will always wait for black Friday rates to shop in bulk at a discount.

‘‘Black Friday is a name used for two unrelated occasions. It is now most popularly used in the US to refer to the day after Thanksgiving, which is often considered the first day of the holiday shopping season and is known for featuring discounts from retailers. Black Friday is always the Friday after Thanksgiving, which is always the fourth Thursday in November.’’

Retailers think the same…According to Gerald Shiloba the stores manager at Aunt porridge, this year’s sale was exciting!

Parent customer buys PP 10KGS and Instapo 4 packs for holiday makers
Parent Customer buys 10kgs of PP for the holiday makers!

Forna Health Foods ltd, the proud producers of Aunt Porridge, launches the new aunt porridge logo

Forna Health Foods ltd, the proud producers of Aunt Porridge, is happy to announce the launch of the new logo as part of the ongoing brand evolution.

Our professional profile has grown and evolved over the last 7 years, and now it is time for a change. We have improved our logo to reflect who we are today and to symbolize our dynamic future.

Basically, the new logo crystalizes the Name “Aunt Porridge” as the company’s most popular identification label. Also, the new design of the outside frame is meant to improve the readability of the full name.

The stars represents the mystery of Ratings are based on:

  • Total energy (kilojoules)
  • Saturated fat, sodium (salt) and sugar content. Consuming too much of these risk nutrients is linked to being overweight and obese, some cancers, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
  • Fibre

Symbolically, the framing circle becomes borderless to create the impression of a whirling cycle that denotes ongoing dynamism.

Proud as we are of our rich history and deep roots, we retain the logo’s core elements, wreath, 5 stars and the image of a mother with a baby.

The managing director, Angela Nabweteme, says a new logo is just a visible sign of the dynamism going on in the company.

“It just shows how adjusted we are to remain relevant as solutions to your challenges in life. We welcome everyone into Aunt Porridge family.”

Aunt porridge
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