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Mother breast feeding her baby


After birth, a mother’s mammary glands produce milk that is given to babies by breastfeeding. This is a super ability women possess. And in turn has numerous benefits for both the baby and mother! 

Well-breastfed babies have;

 . A strong body immunity thus low infections
 . Less diarrhea, constipation, gastroenteritis
 . Fewer colds and respiratory illness
 . Better vision
 . Improved cognitive development
 . Reduced risk of obesity and chronic disease later in life
 . Reduced rate of child mortality
This only happens because breast milk provides numerous nutritional components, enzymes, antioxidants, immune properties, and antibodies from the mother.

Breastfeeding is good for mothers because;

 . Promotes faster weight loss as more calories are burnt to produce breast milk
 . Stimulates uterus contraction
 . It reduces the risk of diabetes, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, osteoporosis, hypertension, and fewer cardiovascular diseases
 . Causes fewer urinary tract infections
 . Less chance of anemia

Aunt Porridge breastfeeding formula is the best choice to help you stimulate enough breast milk.

    Talk to the nutritionist/Dietician 0787070057

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How to praise your child the right way

Praise is when you tell your child that you like what they’re doing or how they’re behaving. Praise nurtures your child’s confidence and shows your child how to think and talk positively about themselves.

For praise to be more meaningful, it has got to be detailed.

1.Detailed praise; Is when you tell your child exactly what it is you like. For example. “I like the way you’ve eaten all your greens today“. This helps your child understand exactly what it is that they’ve done well. It’s also more genuine than non-specific praise like “You’re a good boy”.

2.Praise for their effort; For example, “You worked hard on that math’s homework – well done”. Praising effort can motivate your child and encourage them to try hard in the future.

3.Praise to change poor behavior; For example. If your child throws food at the table, you might want to encourage your child to eat more carefully next time. So at the next meal time, when they eat better, offer praise meaning you have acknowledged the change of behavior.

Praising your child should be heartfelt to carry more meaning and produce results”

Contact the nutritionist: 0787070057

7 ways on how dads can help during breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is a family and community affair. For the successful breastfeeding of a child, teamwork is key. This is why today we bring you tips on how dads can offer support during breastfeeding. Here are ways you can help;

  • You can burp the baby after they are done breastfeeding.
  • Bringing the baby to the mother for breastfeeding.
  • In case mother is away and she left expressed breast milk, you can offer to warm the milk and give it to the baby.
  • You can offer back and neck massages; these help relax her body so she can breastfeed efficiently.
  • Offering fluids like a big glass of water during breastfeeding time.
  • Encouragement goes a long way especially when a mother doesn’t feel good about herself. “boosting her self confidence”.
  • Taking on the tasks she was doing before breastfeeding like washing dishes, cooking or running errands. This helps relieve her from any stress so she can focus on what is at hand-Breastfeeding

“Just remember for breastfeeding to be successful, everyone must take part and not just one person-the mother”
Nutritionist || Dietician Aunt Porridge.

What is complementary feeding?

After 6 months, a baby’s nutritional and energy requirements start to out space those of breast milk, necessitating the consumption of supplementary foods.

At this stage the baby is also developmentally prepared to eat other foods. Complementary feeding is the term used to describe this shift.

An infants growth may stall if complementary foods are delayed to be offered at the age of 6 months or if they are introduced improperly.

Complementary food must meet the following criteria;

  1. Introduced at the appropriate moment, when the infants requirement for energy and nutrition surpasses what can be met by exclusive nursing.
  2. Adequate (that is, they supply energy, protein, and micronutrients to satisfy the nutritional requirement of a developing child).
  3. safe in the sense that they are handled with clean hands, fed with clean utensils instead of bottles and teats, and stored and prepared in a hygienic manner.
  4. Appropriately feed , being supplied in accordance with a Childs signals of hunger.

Note: Infants should be actively fed by their care givers who should pay attention to the Childs hunger cues and actively encourage eating.

Seek Nutritional guidance on how to feed your baby appropriately.

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