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Why your toddler’s Appetite is low?

Your child used to enjoy meal time, but now is getting upset at the site of food. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to get any food down their throat.
Sometimes low appetite may signify a deeper issue other than just refusing food. Low appetite may be a temporary indicator of an underlying issue like illness, congestion or constipation.

If the above is not the case, then let’s understand their Developmental milestones.

When your baby started walking or running, they prefered doing that to sitting down and eating. Especially children 2-3years, they like to use meal time to assert their independence. Because of this milestone, they like taking charge and the feeling of control is exactly the tune they want to dance to. Forcing them to eat is only making it worse and reducing their acceptance towards food.

When to worry about the low appetite

  • abdominal pain with eating
  • weight loss or poor weight gain
  • decrease in energy
  • vomiting, shortness of breath, cough, facial swelling or rash after eating which may indicate a good allergy.

Seek for Expert advice from a dietician or medical Personel

Dietician /Nutritionist Aunt Porridge ||  +256 787 070 057

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How much should my Baby eat 6-24 months?

A good rule of thumb when you’re figuring out just how much to give your Baby during each meal: Start small and work your way up once he or she gets the hang of eating. 

You can use the following baby feeding general guidelines.

For 6-8months
Start with 2-3heaped tablespoons per feed. Gradually increase the spoons to one third of a NICE cup(about 5-6tablespoons).

From the previous months increase to at least one-third of “TUMPECO”. A TUMPECO is 500ml. (about 8-11tablespoons)

You can now increase at least half a TUMPECO (250ml).

Children have small stomachs so they get satisfied quickly and hungry quickly. This is why they need to eat small frequent meals rather than 3 main meals alone.

Contact the Nutritionist for advice concerning child feeding!

Dietician /Nutritionist Aunt Porridge ||  +256 787 070 057


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Baby food thickness, the right consistency for Babies between 6-8 months

Your baby has made the leap and it’s time to transition to solid food. You have probably heard give your baby mashed, pureed or blended foods. But your wondering,  how thick or thin should your baby’s food be?

Yes, we ought to mash, puree or blend food. It’s soft and he/she can chew easily and swallow. For the consistency, your baby’s food should be thick to an extent you can feed her/him by hand.

Making your baby’s food too thin will mean that he/she would need to eat more spoons of the thin food as compared to a few spoons of thick food. Thick food has a concentration of nutrients than thin food. Plus you want to make meal times less time consuming so they don’t get irritated with the meal time.

Then which liquid should you use to soften baby’s food?

Good question, Use Milk (either breast milk, infant formula or cow’s milk) to soften the food.

It is better to use Milk rather than water because Milk has more nutritive value plus your child is familiar with the taste of milk (depending on which type you have been feeding him/her on). So food acceptance is guaranteed.

You can thicken your baby’s food as she/he grows older, making sure that they are able to easily swallow without choking.

Contact our Aunt porridge in-house nutritionist for more details concerning complimentary feeding.

“Be careful not to make the baby’s food too thin”
Dietician /Nutritionist Aunt Porridge ||  +256 787 070 057

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Does my baby need extra water or vitamins?

We are still celebrating breastfeeding this month of August and today we bring you a common question asked by most of you.

Does my baby below 6months need extra water or vitamins?” 

The answer is NO… your baby below 6 months doesnt need extra water or Vitamins.

Breast milk provides all the fluids and nutrients your baby needs. Giving your child tea, gripe water, glucose water, porridge or anything else apart from breast milk before they make 6months; makes your baby suckle less hence a low production of breast milk.

Below are some of the reasons why;

  • Breast milk has the ability to quench your child’s thirst and later satisfy them too.
    As the child suckles, the first milk is watery to quench your child’s thirst then fatty for satiety.

  • Your baby’s stomach/gut affected when given anything else apart from breast milk. It causes an interruption in digestion once drinks or foods other than breast milk are introduced before 6months.

Breast milk  is the only food your baby below 6 months needs. You can still continue to breast feed up to 2years and also introduce other foods when the baby has made 6 completed months.

“If you need help towards breastfeeding, contact our nutritionist for help”

Dietician /Nutritionist Aunt Porridge ||  +256 787 070 057

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