Boosting your child’s immune system.
Continuing from where we stopped in the previous post “Boosting your child’s immune system is an everyday thing.” Below are other ways you can boost your child’s immune system;
5. Get your child active; exercise keeps us healthy and less likely to get sick. “By active”, this is not limited to the gym. Activities can be, swimming, a brisk walk, skipping, going to the play ground or doing a dance video workout. Make it fun. Contact the nutritionist for child friendly activities child and maintaining a healthy lifestyle-be sure you will get a follow up too.
6. Find a way of relieving stress; any stress kept in our bodies becomes toxic and express itself through sickness if not let out. Examples are having uninterrupted family time or creating a conducive environment for your child to talk to you.
7. Do the simple precautions like watching hands before and after food, asking them to cover their mouth or nose when coughing 😷 or sneezing 🤧; generally personal hygiene goes a long way.
“Contact the Aunt Porridge nutritionist for child health and nutritious feeding “
Dietician /Nutritionist Aunt Porridge || +256 787 070 057
Boosting your child’s immune system is an everyday thing.
Just having supplements or drugs is not enough. A child needs an all round healthy lifestyle. We may not avoid our children from falling sick because they may come into contact with germs, viruses, bacteria and organisms anywhere and everywhere . The good news is we can reduce the severity of the illness and the number of times your child falls sick. Here are a few ways you can boost their immune system;
- Get your child our aunt porridge. We have made a blend of carefully combined foods which just get your child’s immune system sky rocketing 🤗. I mean 10-12 ingredients in 1kg is a big investment in immunity.
- Serving plenty and I mean plenty of fruits and vegetables daily.
- Let your child have quality sleep. Sleep deprivation can make your child susceptible to illnesses by reducing natural killer cells which are the ”body guards” of our immune systems.
- Breastfeed your baby. We all know breastfeeding is important for all children. Yes and I am re-echoing it again, find a way of making it work. Luckily, a nutritionist is on board to help you with this. Utilize this opportunity.
“the more you intentionally boost your child’s immunity, the less trips you will make to the hospital- plus your saving “
Dietician /Nutritionist Aunt Porridge
Complimentary feeding tips for babies 6-11months
Flat taste foods first
Starting your baby on flat tasting foods is a great way to help them develop a healthy relationship towards food. Wait to introduce the spices from your kitchen cabinet. Once your child has developed or has mastered most of the foods you eat at home and their taste. You can introduce them to family meals at about 1year. Let your child taste food without the added sugar, too much salt and excessive spices. Let them learn all about the different foods you eat at home.
“Remember every taste of food is recorded in their memory so let them get an unbiased opinion.”
Dietician /Nutritionist Aunt Porridge
#complimentaryfeedingtips #naturalfoodtaste #6months #Auntporridge #nutritionist #nutrition #healthyrelationshipwithfood