Do you ever ask yourself if your baby is breastfeeding enough?

Today we put this question to rest. Below are good indicators you should look out for in your child. These will tell you whether the breast milk is adequate or inadequate and you need to do something about it;

  • If your child is gaining sufficient weight from birth.
  • The baby has at least 4-6 wet nappies or diapers a day.
  • After breastfeeding, your baby should be relaxed and satisfied and not uncomfortable or crying.
  • Your child doesn’t receive anything else apart from breast milk and meds prescribed by the doctor especially once they are below 6months of age.

While breastfeeding, observe these signs in your child. Before you continue please read this article:  Is your baby latching well. It will tell you whether your child is attached ed correctly.

Check for the following to ensure that your child is breast feeding correctly;

  1. Your baby’s mouth is wide open and most of the darker skin (areola) is in his/her mouth.
  2. The lower lip is turned outward
  3. Your baby’s chin is touching the breast
  4. When you observe your baby’s cheeks, they are rounded
  5. During breastfeeding, your baby takes deep slow sucks, sometimes pausing.
  6. One last tip is you can also hear the baby swallowing. let your baby empty one breast first and come off the breast on his or her own. This will ensure that your baby gets the most nutritious and satisfying milk. Then give your baby the other breast.

“The first milk is watery to quench the baby’s thirst, then thicker and fatty which will make them satisfied”.

Nutritionist || Dietician Aunt Porridge.