What is complementary feeding?

After 6 months, a baby’s nutritional and energy requirements start to out space those of breast milk, necessitating the consumption of supplementary foods.

At this stage the baby is also developmentally prepared to eat other foods. Complementary feeding is the term used to describe this shift.

An infants growth may stall if complementary foods are delayed to be offered at the age of 6 months or if they are introduced improperly.

Complementary food must meet the following criteria;

  1. Introduced at the appropriate moment, when the infants requirement for energy and nutrition surpasses what can be met by exclusive nursing.
  2. Adequate (that is, they supply energy, protein, and micronutrients to satisfy the nutritional requirement of a developing child).
  3. safe in the sense that they are handled with clean hands, fed with clean utensils instead of bottles and teats, and stored and prepared in a hygienic manner.
  4. Appropriately feed , being supplied in accordance with a Childs signals of hunger.

Note: Infants should be actively fed by their care givers who should pay attention to the Childs hunger cues and actively encourage eating.

Seek Nutritional guidance on how to feed your baby appropriately.

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